97, 98, 171, New Haven: Yale University Press. Red-Figured Athenian Vases in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 95, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Milne, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

66, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Études de céramique grecque." Gazette des Beaux Arts, 2: p. To experts illuminate this artwork's story Their influence was considerable and underlies the representation here and on the adjacent krater, 06.286.86. The most celebrated Amazonomachies in Athens during the first half of the fifth century were large-scale wall paintings that decorated the Theseion and the Stoa Poikile (the Painted Portico). The Amazons were a mythical race of warrior women whose homeland lay far to the east and north. Instead, their preference was for grand mythological battles between Greeks and eastern adversaries, notably Amazons. make clear that the Greeks understood the magnitude of their victory in the Persian Wars, there was no concern among artists to illustrate major events or personalities. Thus, while literary works of the fifth century B.C.

The wounded warrior Telephos holds the baby Orestes hostage at an altar, with Agamemnon and Clytemnestra rushing to save their son.On the neck, obverse, battle of centaurs and Lapiths reverse, youths and women Around the body, Amazonomachy (battle between Greeks and Amazons) The ancient Greeks almost never depicted contemporary or historical events in art.

Two Furies flank her, while Jason and a distraught nurse and teacher approach the bodies on the altar below.Ī different tragedy unfolds on the other side of the vase, from Euripides’s Telephos (438 BC). Seeking revenge against her husband Jason, leader of the Argonauts, Medea has just slain their two children. Framed in the center by a halo (recalling her sun god grandfather Helios), the sorceress Medea flies off in a dragon-drawn chariot.

The remarkable scene on the front of this vase relates to the famous tragedy Medea, written by Euripides and first produced in Athens in 431 BC. Near the Policoro Painter (South Italian, Lucanian, active c. Red-Figure Calyx-Krater (Mixing Vessel): Medea in Chariot (A) Telephos with Baby Orestes (B), c.